catatan baru

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sabah Land Below the Wind

Assalammualaikum W.b.t..

In this article, we will talk about part of Borneo known as Sabah. Where I was born there around 1991 at Serusup Village, Tuaran. A nice and intereting place since it close to the sea, we may conclude that most of people at Tuaran is working as a fisherman. They have an incredible skill and knowledge on where and how to catch fish. Ok, that enough. I will share more about Tuaran in the other article.

As we can see in the map, there are many interesting place in Sabah. There is some place that I already visit, for example kundasang, ranau, kinabalu park, murut culture village and Kota Belud Tamu.

Usually, Sabah popular and known because of Mount Kinbalu. M.Kinabalu is the highest mount in Malay Archipelago and surrounded by Crocker Range at the north of borneo.
There is competition to climb M.Kinabalu organized annually and join by many participants all around the world. Fascinating and great performance.

Mount Kinabalu
This photo captured by me from my village in the early of morning. Nice weather and beautiful view for M.Kinabalu. I Love Kinabalu.

Sabah is a wonderful land, rich in natural beauty and full with an interesting place from Kota Kinabalu to Kundasang, tip of borneo (Kudat), elopura city at Sandakan, Tawau until Papar.
From my observation, it is possible for Sabah to become the best place to visit in Malaysia. This entry will end here, I will write the other entry about Borneo. Maybe Sarawak or Labuan and maybe about culture. Thank for visiting and reading my blog. Peace...^^

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